Teachers' Lounge
Check out Colorín Colorado's guide to including EL’s and their families in conversations about distance learning and schools’ plans for reopening.
Check out these Center for Applied Linguistics ELL Math & Language, as well as Reading & Writing at-home activities webinars!
For support adapting your assessments to distance learning, check out the Center for Applied Linguistics’ guide for using the Foreign Language Assessment Directory (FLAD).
Watch this webinar and check out this resource list from FIU on supporting online learning for struggling ELs and SLIFE.
Get lesson plan inspiration and prompts from the New York Times’ Learning Network for ELLs!
Authentic Spanish texts.
Get access to thousands of free, legally downloadable books, plays & other texts to use for lesson planning.
(Some free) online audiobooks across a range of languages and at a wide range of levels, from elementary to high school and beyond.
Free digital library from Time Magazine for kids.
Online science-related articles, videos, games, and activities.
Live online read-alouds every day, in both English and Spanish.
Lesson plans for grades 3-12 Reading (literature and non-fiction) with assessment questions and progress tracking program.
Distance-learning-adaptable lesson plans and activities provided by the Smithsonian! (Some resources available in Spanish.)
Anti-bias and social justice oriented classroom materials and professional development resources.
Get leveled ESL reading materials on current events with a customizable assignment-making feature! Free account available for the rest of the 2019 -2020 academic year.
We invite teachers to share successes and struggles, and to post resources and questions, as we undertake teaching in the age of Covid-19!
MTRC Philly | Swarthmore College
2020 | Graphics by Sonia Shah