Posts Tagged 'Margaret Oliphant'

Week 4 Archive- Notes on CA’s Paper
Christina very kindly allowed me to post my comments/questions I thought about while reading her seminar paper!

Week 4 Archive- Notes on CA’s Paper
Christina very kindly allowed me to post my comments/questions I thought about while reading her seminar paper!
Week 3
Without even realizing it, we amble like Ursula around campus or in the city, surrounded by sensation (‘reality’) yet caught up in those “castles in the air” which, for Victorian novelists like Trollope and Oliphant, are at once the birthplace and reification of the realist narrative. This concern for the practical effects of realism on our everyday experience and even our identity construction still pervades much of our lives but, like Ursula, we frequently overlook it. The reading of Victorian realist novels can help re-sensitize us to this narrative mode which has become so essential to how we internally negotiate our own experience. (Alison’s Week 3 seminar paper.)
Week 3
Without even realizing it, we amble like Ursula around campus or in the city, surrounded by sensation (‘reality’) yet caught up in those “castles in the air” which, for Victorian novelists like Trollope and Oliphant, are at once the birthplace and reification of the realist narrative. This concern for the practical effects of realism on our everyday experience and even our identity construction still pervades much of our lives but, like Ursula, we frequently overlook it. The reading of Victorian realist novels can help re-sensitize us to this narrative mode which has become so essential to how we internally negotiate our own experience. (Alison’s Week 3 seminar paper.)

Outline Notes on Oliphant
Notes on the importance of representations of bookcases in Phoebe Junior, among other things.

Outline Notes on Oliphant
Notes on the importance of representations of bookcases in Phoebe Junior, among other things.

Cathy’s Drawing Notes of Reality Effect