
Week 2
“When I read Trollope, it is all I can do not to be bored. All I can do, because Trollope always seems a little bored himself.” (Miller, Chapter 4, p.145)
Week 6 Outline
“In this sense, we may go even further in our account of the ideological mission of the nineteenth century realistic novelists, and assert that their function is not merely to produce new mental and existential habits, but in a virtual or symbolic way to produce this whole new spatial and temporal configuration itself: what will come to be called “daily life”, the Alltag, or, in a different terminology, the “referent” – so many diverse characterizations of the new configuration of public and private spheres or space in classical or market capitalism” (Jameson’s “Realist Floor-Plan” (374) as excerpted in 374 in Michael’s Criticism Summary)
Week 6 Outline
“In this sense, we may go even further in our account of the ideological mission of the nineteenth century realistic novelists, and assert that their function is not merely to produce new mental and existential habits, but in a virtual or symbolic way to produce this whole new spatial and temporal configuration itself: what will come to be called “daily life”, the Alltag, or, in a different terminology, the “referent” – so many diverse characterizations of the new configuration of public and private spheres or space in classical or market capitalism” (Jameson’s “Realist Floor-Plan” (374) as excerpted in 374 in Michael’s Criticism Summary)